Box Import is your one-stop distribution platform from where to sell your products. Just send us your products and we’ll take care of the rest. One-stop distribution is a means of connecting sellers with the end-buyers of their products.
If you know how to make and what to make, but aren’t sure who to sell it to and how to go about selling it, that’s OK! Manufacturers are expected to manufacture, that’s what they’re best at. Finding buyers and selling the products shouldn’t be your headache, so go ahead and dump that on our shoulders - we won’t mind, because that’s what we’re best at!
When you create something amazing, don’t let it go unnoticed, it’s no good while it’s sitting in the corner of a warehouse. You’ll know your product’s worth once it’s out there, flaunting itself on a prominent spot on the store shelf, right where potential customers can see it.
Don’t let your products gather dust, ship them to us right away and our one-stop distribution will know what to do with it. We comply with the MAP policy so fair prices and maximum profits are a guarantee. Once your products start gaining popularity, we’ll request you for bulk orders. Together, we will watch your business soar to new heights.